What is Enterprise Mobility?

Enterprise Mobility is the use of mobile technologies to enable anytime anywhere information access to employees, customers and suppliers to bring about improvements in revenue and operational performances, employee productivity, and customer satisfaction.

3 decades of progress in global digital connectivity and ubiquity have led to a huge proliferation of smart phones and tablets. The expected rise of personal computers in 2015 is 2000 million from 350.8 million in 2010. Whereas, the rise of smartphones is expected to be from 296.6 million to 1,000 million in 2015.

The most preferred O.S for mobile devices is Android and will have a staggering lead over iOS by 2015 according to the Infographic by Wipro.

The top 5 industries deploying enterprise mobility are: financial services, hospitality, media and entertainment, IT and infrastructure.

3 Key challenges that deter companies from deploying enterprise mobility solutions are: Security and Compliance, Lack of Awareness of Solutions, too costly and unclear ROI.

Transformation areas for Businesses adopting Mobility are: improve employee satisfaction, improve customer satisfaction, improve employees productivity, increase inventory visibility, increase revenue generation and sales, increase order fulfillment, reduce labor and improve field services among others.

Enterprise Mobility

1 Comments for What is Enterprise Mobility?


2015-12-09 12:13:39

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2 Comments for What is Enterprise Mobility?


2015-12-09 12:14:24

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asd asfd fasdf df sadf dsaf sadf asdf


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